Monday, September 2, 2019

Integrating Technology for Better School Security Essay -- essays pape

Integrating Technology for Better School Security Using new technology for better school security is not always easy because it is difficult to address the correct problem with the right equipment, there also exists economic issues, and mental unrest among staff and students. School safety is an issue that has been concerning this country for many years. With the populations of our schools growing, the crime rates with in them have been as well. The student to staff ratio has greatly increased and there are concerns on how to regulate student behavior as well as crime prevention among students. Along with regulating student behavior, more security issues need to be addressed in order to maintain a safe school. For example, more schools have now been upgraded with better computer systems for the staff and students. Students now have computers in every classroom and better equipment for their specific classes. This new equipment is very costly and it is a long process for the school district to obtain. School security measures need to be taken to avoid the theft or damage of these new, expensive technologies. More needs to be considered before resorting to extreme measures of security for schools. The issue that the specific school is facing must be addressed in the correct fashion. Meaning that an analysis of the school and every aspect of it must be taken. The schools budget must be looked at, as well as history of misconduct and/or crime. A school’s financial situation must be one of the most important issues looked at when considering new security equipment. Most of the county’s school districts are already in a money slump right now. The budget for school funding is low and is getting lower by ... (1995). Risks to students in schools. Washington D.C. Office of Technology Assessment. (2003). Datastrip’s ID Cards, Bar Codes Scanner Ensure Student Protection. THE Journal, 31, 27-30. Blackburn, M. (2001). Mikulski urges U.S. funds for special education: The Sun, Local, 3B. Lane, K. (1996). The School Safety Handbook, taking action for students and staff protection. Lancaster, PA: Technomic Publishing. Schneider, T. (2001). Newer Technologies for School Security. (ERIC Digest No. 145) Eugene, OR: ERIC Clearinghouse on Educational Management. (ERIC Document Reproductive Service No. ED449550.) Trump, K. (2004) School Security Equipment and Technology, National School Safety and Security Services, Watson, R. (1995). A Guide to Violence Prevention: Educational Leadership, 52, 57-60.

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