Wednesday, July 31, 2019

HIS 135 Entire Course Essay

In this archive file of HIS 135 Entire Course you will find the next documents:HIS-135-Assignment-Cold-War-Ideology-and-Policies. docHIS-135-Assignment-The-Vietnam-War. docHIS-135-Capstone-CheckPoint-End-of-the-Cold-War. docHIS-135-CheckPoint-Comparing-KennedyG History – General History ASHFORD HIS 204 American History Since 1865 If dragging yourself out of bed at 6:00 am is impossible, don’t torture yourself with 7:00 am classes. Most schools offer classes in a wide range of time slots. Take advantage of the classes later in the day and in the evening if you aren’t a morning person. You will be more likely to go and will get more out of the course. In this archive file of HIS 135 Entire Course you will find the next documents:HIS-135-Assignment-Cold-War-Ideology-and-Policies. docHIS-135-Assignment-The-Vietnam-War. docHIS-135-Capstone-CheckPoint-End-of-the-Cold-War. docHIS-135-CheckPoint-Comparing-KennedyG History – General History ASHFORD HIS 204 American History Since 1865 If dragging yourself out of bed at 6:00 am is impossible, don’t torture yourself with 7:00 am classes. Most schools offer classes in a wide range of time slots. Take advantage of the classes later in the day and in the evening if you aren’t a morning person. You will be more likely to go and will get more out of the course. In this archive file of HIS 135 Entire Course you will find the next documents:HIS-135-Assignment-Cold-War-Ideology-and-Policies. docHIS-135-Assignment-The-Vietnam-War. docHIS-135-Capstone-CheckPoint-End-of-the-Cold-War. docHIS-135-CheckPoint-Comparing-KennedyG History – General History ASHFORD HIS 204 American History Since 1865 If dragging yourself out of bed at 6:00 am is impossible, don’t torture yourself with 7:00 am classes. Most schools offer classes in a wide range of time slots. Take advantage of the classes later in the day a†¦ Follow the link Now for full guide – https://bitly. com/1wySlYb If dragging yourself out of bed at 6:00 am is impossible, don’t torture yourself with 7:00 am classes. Most schools offer classes in a wide range of time slots. Take advantage of the classes later in the day and in the evening if you aren’t a morning person. You will be more likely to go and will get more out of the course. History – General History ASHFORD HIS 204 American History Since 1865.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Oligopoly in India Essay

A market structure dominated by a small number of large firms, selling either identical or differentiated products, and significant barriers to entry into the industry. This is one of four basic market structures. The other three are perfect competition, monopoly, and monopolistic competition. The three most important characteristics of oligopoly are: 1. An industry dominated by a small number of large firms 2. Firms sell either identical or differentiated products 3. The industry has significant barriers to entry. PRICING The members of an oligopoly change the nature of a free market. While they can’t dictate price and availability like a monopoly can, they often turn into friendly competitors, since it is in all the members’ interest to maintain a stable market and profitable prices. With four or five large firms responsible for most of the output of each industry, avoidance of price competition became almost automatic. If one firm were to lower its prices, it is likely that its competitors will do the same and all will suffer lower profits. On the other hand, it is dangerous for any single firm to increase its prices since the others might hold their prices in order to gain market share. The safest thing is to never lower prices and only raise prices when there is abundant evidence that the other firms will also raise prices. The largest or lowest-cost or most aggressive firm will often emerge as the price leader. When business conditions permit, the price leader will raise prices with the expectation that the others will follow. The practice of price leadership prevails in many industries: Competition does not exist in any form. Oligopolies that follow a price leader do not engage in price competition, but they still contest for market share with a variety of forms of non-price competition. Pepsi and Coke each spend billions on TV ads designed to entice the consumer to switch cola brands. SCALE OF OPERATION Oligopolistic firms that operate on a national or global scale are also huge in another sense – they are just plain big. Many have several hundred thousand employees and multi-billions of dollars in assets. Size is itself a source of power. ENTRY BARRIERS Oligopolies can become unstable when new firms attempt to gain entry. Of course the high cost of acquiring plant and equipment acts as a barrier to entry. It is also costly to enter an industry dominated by a small number of known trade names. Small firms already in the industry present a special problem. Some might try to grow beyond their established niches. The large firm will often simply purchase the up-and-coming small firm. Or the large firm or firms may rely on its established relationships with customers or suppliers to limit the activities of smaller firms. The new oligopoly is made up of multinational corporations that have chosen specific product or service categories to dominate. In each category, over time, only two to four major players prosper. Starting a new company in that market segment is difficult, and the few that do succeed are often gobbled up or run out of business by the oligopolies. MANIPULATING DEMAND The large firm is often in a position to create a demand for its own product through advertising. While this sometimes leads to actual product  improvement, it can also lead to the production of images rather than truly different products. A study of the tactics of brand names points out that good brand names are most important for the type of products that are â€Å"relatively undifferentiated in terms of product specifications or performance and where consumers are relatively satisfied with existing brands.† One conclusion of the study is that â€Å"†¦on the whole, branding is important only where the character of the product is not.† Few multinationals aspire to be monopolies. Monopolies attract government regulation and consumer anger (just ask Microsoft). Small oligopolies (such as Coke, Pepsi) make plenty of money and avoid the constant attention of the regulators. Oligopoly, then, is a compromise – a social adaptation to powerful technological trends. While the rules of perfect competition should both assure that prices reflect the true costs of production and that firms continue to improve their products and production processes, operating under these rules leads to the type of price competition that continually threatens the value of vast holdings of expensive and specialized production facilities. So we have accepted a set of economic rules that limit price competition but still seem to result in competition over product and production process development. Technology forced firms to become bigger, yet that very bigness put them at such risk that they had to become even bigger in order to control prices. OLIGOPOLY IN BEVERAGE INDUSTRY In the Indian context, the soft drink market though it may seem to be duopoly is essentially an oligopoly. Barring the two major cola giants Coke and Pepsi, every city also has local competitors and there is a large unorganized flavoured water market. Moreover, bottled water is also a competitor to the cola brands and in this category neither of the two cola companies are market leaders. However, as far as the cola flavored fizzy  drinks are concerned there are only two brands, Coke and Pepsi. Under such a situation economists would say there would be intense competition. Unless, the two parties collaborate with each other, which is certainly not the case in the cola market worldwide or in India. This implies that the primary battle is for market share and hence intensity of competition is high. Each and every move by a player attracts retaliation. 3 things important to be successful in this category (oligopoly of colas) are: 1. HIGH AWARENESS: This has two components-one is media awareness the other relates to point of consumption. The first one really means large advertising spends, and simple messages repeated umpteen times. Eg. lways Coca-Cola?or il mange more? Simple and memorable. The category leader dictates the awareness level. Once that has been established, the number two player needs to find a lever, which will ensure a position close to the leader, with less money spent. 2. EASY AVAILABILITY: Marketers in this category need to find innovative ways of ensuring availability of their brand at different consumption occasions and time. 3. HIGH EMOTIONS: The key differentiation in this category is emotion. Brand personality can make or break the brands in this category. In an oligopoly, it is foolish to cut price unless one of the two parties have a much lower cost base. That, too, is not the case in India. Both brands, Coke and Pepsi, invest heavily in advertising and in distribution through their franchise and their own systems. However, a great deal of attention is paid by both companies to cost, particularly in the development of a tightly effective supply chain system in which economies are squeezed out and, wherever possible both overheads and working capital are controlled. As a result it is extremely difficult to reduce prices. Indeed, it is counter-productive, as when prices are reduced in a particular area by one  of the cola brands, the second must follow. There have been some examples of price reduction, but this is generally the local franchise or the sales management of a particular area reducing the price. This is, however, generally not the case and prices have only been reduced in the recent past if there has been a reduction in Government taxes, either at the Central or State level. However, there has been some major initiative on the price front. The first took place some years ago when the brand Coca-Cola came back to India. At that time colas were sold in 200 ml bottles. Coca-Cola launched itself in all major cities in the 300 ml size at the same price as Pepsi, which was then in a 200 ml bottle. Pepsi was, however, prepared for Coca-Cola to launch in the larger bottle, which became the standard inmost parts of the country, making the price a parity issue between the two brands. A few years ago, Pepsi launched itself in one litre and 1.5 litre non-returnable PET bottles at a discount in comparison to a 300 ml returnable glass bottle, the traditional packaging in this product category. This resulted in a significant increase in the depth of consumption; amongst the loyal consumers in the larger towns. Coke followed Pepsi in each of the above moves in order to reduce the cost per glass to the consumer. The soft drink majors also pioneered a 500 ml non-returnable PET bottle, which was advertised almost totally on the cost of the consumer per 100 ml of cola. The great advantage of PET bottle is that they not only encourage high level of consumer but increased home consumption which was small compared to out of home consumption. The latest move to reduce price to the consumer was followed by Pepsi in April,2003 when it reduced the price of its 300 ml returnable glass bottle segment from Rs. 8 to Rs. 6 and priced 200 ml bottle at Rs. 5. However, Coke  still priced it 300 ml bottle at Rs. 8. Coke wanted to push the 200 ml â€Å"Chota Coke† pack in summer since they wanted to gain volumes so they priced 200 ml at Rs 5/-â€Å". The fresh price war follows an earlier onslaught when both Pepsi and Coke reduced prices by about 20% across the board just before the Union Budget for 2003-04 provided them with excise duty relief. In the recent past both the companies took aggressive steps and signed on thousands of new retailers in a drive into rural India that has pushed up sales steeply. Coca-Cola has made its beverages available in 40,000 additional villages in the last three years. As a result, the rural areas now contribute 35 per cent of the company’s sales compared with 25 per cent in 2000. Sales volume jumped over 125% in some rural areas. In order to service far-flung markets better, Coca-Cola has doubled the number of refrigerators in the market to 500,000 and added 5,000 new autos and light commercial vehicles to its fleet in the last one year. Pepsi also has also doubled distributors, cooling capacity and even the number of vehicles in rural areas. Thus, the contribution of rural areas to total sales has climbed from below 10 per cent to 10-15 per cent for Pepsi in the last couple of years. Pepsi has added more than 200 people to drive rural activation programmes and ensure improved coverage and market penetration. In addition, a new â€Å"hub and spoke† model has been put in place to drive the rural expansion plan. Both companies say there is untapped potential in the rural areas that will fuel quick growth in the coming years. e the rural expansion plan. In a competitive situation such as the one that exists in the cola market, the important thing is not the price; it is the value that the consumer  gets. And that always increases in proportion to the ferocity of the battle in the marketplace.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Democracy Aims of the Ninth Amendment

â€Å"We the People of the United States†¦ do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. † Within those opening words, the framers of the U. S. Constitution made clear their intentions for democracy in America and their disregard for previous despotic institutions. No longer viewing the individual†s highest duty to be obedience to the state, our founding fathers displayed a firm commitment to bolstering the significance and dignity of the individual. This new found faith in the ability of the populace to govern itself is known as democracy. Democracy itself is an ideal that was developed by the ancient Greeks around 500 B. C. Inherent in all of the freedoms of democracy are certain â€Å"inalienable rights† that are guaranteed to every citizen who resides under that democracy. Following the Constitutional Convention, Federalists, who supported the ratification of the Constitution, obtained the support by promising that an enumeration of the rights of all citizens that would be added as an amendment to the Constitution after it had been ratified, to Anti-Federalists who opposed ratification due to the lack of enumerated rights. In order to outline and expound upon those rights, the Constitution was amended almost immediately following its ratification in 1788. The Bill of Rights, as the first ten amendments have come to be known, was put into effect on the fifteenth day of December, 1791, and is a formal declaration given by the government to define the fundamental liberties of its citizens and thus limit its own power. The first eight amendments contain the essential rights of every citizen, as well as certain procedural precautions instituted to insure the protection of those rights. The enth amendment guarantees the limitation of federal control to those and only those powers granted it in the Constitution. Inherent in the ninth amendment is the vitality of democracy in the United States. The ninth amendment reads: â€Å"The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people. † Amendment nine, while protecting citizens from the infringement of the government on the unenumerated rights of the individual using rights enumerated in the Bill of Rights, also levels any implied hierarchy of rights making no single right of any greater importance than another. The preservation of democracy in America is vitally dependent upon the ninth amendment as illustrated by its inherent ideologies that made it an amendment, its modern judicial implications in relation to the topics of the day, as well as its ability to reinforce those attributes that keep a democracy operating. Once the Constitution had been put into effect and representatives had been sent to Congress, it was time for the amendments that had been promised, to be sent before Congress. The leader in the proposition of amendments to the new Congress was James Madison, the â€Å"Father of the Constitution. † Madison†s chief intention in proposing his amendments to the Constitution was to prevent â€Å"†¦ the abridgment of the freedom of the people by [the] gradual and silent encroachments of those in power. † Madison originally proposed fifteen amendments that were to enumerate all of the inalienable rights of United States citizens. Of those fifteen, twelve were accepted by Congress to be sent to the states for approval under the process outlined in the Fifth Article of the Constitution. What would become the ninth amendment was seen even then as innocuous, but Madison was able to support its importance asking, â€Å"If an enumeration be made of all our rights, will it not be implied that everything omitted is given to the general government? † Democracy, as a free-state, relies inevitably on the protection of the freedoms of the individual; because all of the freedoms that an individual has a right to cannot simply be listed, it is vitally important that those rights which are not spelled out in the body of law that protects the individual continue to be protected from usurpation by the government. Through inference this amendment implies in its own wording that the rights that are listed in the Bill of Rights are so important that they needed to be spelled out, but there are other natural rights belonging to United States citizens that were equally important, but too numerous to mention. These â€Å"natural rights† include the right to choose your own mate, the right to reproductive choice, the right to determine the manner of your child†s education, and even covers rights to personal privacy. Certainly no man would argue the personal, as well as democratic significance of these rights. Thus, Madison, foreseeing the possibilities of the rise of the federal government to the already massive position of power that it now occupies kept it from denying Americans all of those rights that even they take for granted, because they cannot be found specifically enumerated in The judicial implications behind the ninth amendment are innumerable, mainly due to the fact that on a regular basis the government does its best to work its way into the private lives of individuals and instruct them on how to better their conduct in the ace of social morality. One pressing issue facing the people of the United States today is that of doctor-assisted suicide. To date, it has been ruled that suicide is in essence self-murder and accordingly, if murder is illegal so must all forms of it be illegal as well, self and otherwise. However, in light of the unenumerated rights guaranteed to citizens by the ninth amendment, this â€Å"right to die† inherently belongs to the individual as it does ot infringe upon the rights of others. Another modern political debate is that of the legality of homosexuality. Seeing as how, regardless of their sexual orientation, homosexuals are citizens of the United States of America, they also have the right to decide for themselves the person with whom they engage in sexual relations. Sexuality is, therefore, one more of the unenumerated rights bestowed upon the people under the â€Å"innocuous† amendment. Wisely effected for this use, the ninth amendment was cited in the case of Roe v. Wade in the determination of a woman†s right to have an abortion. This right, while not enumerated in the Constitution is still a right of the people under the ninth amendment. The ninth amendment, while famously misunderstood and misinterpreted by Judge Robert Bork in his 1987 confirmation hearing, has only recently been utilized as a tool in the fight for the preservation of the individual citizen†s democratic rights. Bork demonstrated his ineptitude and his inability to be a Supreme Court Justice by stating that he could not logically view the ninth amendment from the mindset of the Constitution†s framers. The ability of a Supreme Court Justice to trust his own insinuations into the minds of our founding fathers is what allows them to make a clear, responsible and accurate assertion about the ramifications of the wording of the Constitution. Unenumerated rights are, by definition, rights that are not specifically listed and are, therefore, more or less unknown. If it was possible to enumerate all of the rights that are delegated to the people under the ninth amendment then it would have been done and the innocuity innate in its creation would be forever erased. As those rights remain constantly emerging and on the verge of emerging the Supreme Court will have to continue to expand its interpretation and better use the ninth amendment for the protection of the intrinsic rights of the American citizen. Democracy itself is reliant upon several things to keep it working: citizen participation, voluntary action and education. The ninth amendment strengthens the wide-spread participation of the citizenry by entrusting them with rights that are God-given, rights that are so innately human that they need not be itemized in the body of law that was created to itemize the inborn rights of all citizens. Any and every individual has the right to run for public office. Each individual is also capable of supporting which ever political party he feels best represents his own personal opinions. He also retains the right to keep those personal opinions to himself if he so chooses. Another characteristic of democracy is its faith and dependence upon education. Although widespread participation is a significantly substantial aspect of democracy, it alone does not ensure the proper maintenance of good government. An active populace is nothing if it is not an educated populace. Education is not an institution that can be left to sort itself out, either. Whether an individual should choose to attend public or private schools, continue to a college or university, or perhaps be taught directly by his parents at home is a right that remains his under the ninth amendment. Without the freedoms and rights that are built-into the educational systems of America by the ninth amendment, the ability of the nation to take action, keep informed, vote intelligently and produce leaders worthy of public trust and responsibility would be drastically diminished. The lack of force inbred in all democracies requires a distinct amount of voluntary action to replace it. The right of the citizen to participate or not to participate in the everyday workings of the democracy in which he lives is always his. The ninth amendment can in that manner work against itself, but thanks to the safeguard of education it can be assumed a majority of the individuals inhabiting a democracy are there of their own free will and there because they wish to cooperate with and for the established system and not against it. The successful operation of American democracy, as well as that of any other democracy, is dependent upon the rights granted to the people of the United States by the ninth amendment. In The Federalist, â€Å"Number 47,† James Madison said that, â€Å"The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands, whether of one, a few, or many, and whether hereditary, self-appointed, or elective, may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny. † Madison proposed the Bill of Rights in order to avoid allowances for the federal government to secure a position of tyranny as well as to promote the permanent establishment of democracy. Amendment nine of the Bill of Rights is the amendment that best exemplifies the preservation of that new state of democracy in America by withholding from the national government all those rights that went unenumerated in the Bill of Rights, but which continue to be retained by the people. The right to personal privacy, the right to a choice of educational institutions, the right to receive an abortion, the right to choose your own sexual orientation, the right to follow the political party of your choosing and even the right to die are all bestowed upon the citizenry by the ninth amendment. Democracy, as an institution of sentiment, law and government, could not survive without the guarantee of the ninth amendment that the people shall retain those rights which were given them with birth and which will neither be denied nor disparaged. The increasing clarity of the ninth amendment will continue to provide boundless possibilities for the people of the United States to not only continue in life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, but also to inhibit federal interference with that goal.

Talent Factory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Talent Factory - Essay Example Here we look on those organizations that are well prepared for the future and have a strategy that is suitable to groom future leaders. These organizations have talent factories working internally or we can say they groom people for future so they can take up bigger responsibilities. They do this by merging two important things these are functionality and vitality. These people who are being groomed tend to become future leaders for the organizations. In this article the reader has looked upon the two top talent factories Procter & Gamble and the HSBC group both have different approaches to groom people for future but have been successfully grooming future leaders for some time. Functionality basically refers to the processes, tools, and the systems that allow any firm to put the right people at the right positions; this helps in linking the processes of the company to its objectives. HSBC follows the motive of giving people the feel of a local bank when they operate internationally, and link it with their daily processes to make it possible. HSBC keeps track of the people that are performing well at lower positions all over the world in their organization. ... The people of higher management in HSBC usually know their counterparts in other countries this builds a network of HSBC which enables them to collaborate in an easier way. Procter and Gamble on the other hand follows another strategy for talent hunt. P & G conduct its talent hunt through their growth plans; the organization hires new recruits from the local markets of the country they are operating in. For example hiring officers in China hire Chinese locals. This way the organization exploits talent from the country they are operating in. The new recruits are considered to be future leaders in the market they are working, but the higher level managers are still hired globally meaning that the executives decide of their hiring. P & G conduct training programs to train new recruits, special training programs outside the resident's country are also conducted. The organization helps new hires through mentors and special cross functional teams. The new employees are constantly given dif ferent opportunities to prove themselves, for example in 3 to 4 years of his or her hiring an employee has worked on more than 5 products with different people and in different scenarios. The organization has a very efficient system of hiring and pays close attention to it. The talent hunt system is conducted through a proper procedure with a program that keeps track of middle and upper middle managers. Their performances and successful projects in the past and the projects they are working on in the future. The managers are then promoted appropriately, according to their merit. Now coming to Vitality that is the other part of the combination of talent factories.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Discuss the British foreign policy under Tony Blair with respect to Essay

Discuss the British foreign policy under Tony Blair with respect to balancing the trans-Atlantic alliance and maintaining relations with the European Union - Essay Example ts of the United Kingdom after the events of September 11, who have openly expressed their strong resentment toward extended British participation in the U.S. intervention in Iraq, were stunned but later the events of 7/7 London bombings escorted Britain to think from a different point of view. The goal of the United Kingdom, and of Blair, has been to act as a bridge between the United States and Europe, fostering dialogue between the two power blocs in the hopes of preserving the Atlantic alliance that has survived for 60 years. (Janelle Osmann) As Blair is in a desperate need to prove himself as a world leader and establish himself as a peacemaker, he wants U.S instead of taking the matters emotionally, he must concentrate on the matter of pushing for a resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Blair hopes that his support in Iraq will make America to think several times before making an attempt and to think seriously on expedition of a lasting peace between the Israelis and Palestinians. Thus, by coordinating American efforts with E.U interests, Blair is aiming to narrow the trans-Atlantic lacuna and thrust himself back into the good graces of international diplomats. (Janelle Osmann) Blair, being conscious in maintaining the balance between transatlantic alliance and EU possesses the view that conflict is created on the basis of a misunderstanding. At times he has declared that the class struggle was over and that the formation of the Labor Party through a break with the Liberals was a mistake. But the conflict of interests between the US and Europe cannot be overcome so easily. Blair recognizes that the Europeans, however tentatively, are seeking to challenge US domination through the EU project. At one point, he asks â€Å"Europe is to become 25 nations, one Europe for the first time since Charlemagne, but will it be as a union of nation states or as a centralized superstate? (Chris Marsden) The Constitutional Treaty sets out to address the new

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Ethical View On the Influence of Corporations On Environment Research Paper

Ethical View On the Influence of Corporations On Environment - Research Paper Example This paper approves that ethical code of conduct under this section demands everybody to desist from insider trading. For elaborate and transparent business environment, illegal campaign contribution, all act of bribery and any other scandal executed at the expense of compromised code of ethics should never be encouraged for a healthy fair business environment to develop. In achieving an ethically respectable corporation within the business environment, it is important to facilitate the incorporation of ethical climate. Research has proven that ethical conduct is something that cannot be reinforced by the law but by intrinsic development and virtue. Since the law cannot force commitment of ethical codes, it is therefore important to influence it positively by creating a favorable working environment with ethical climate. Ethical climate of an organization simply refer to the process by which company decisions are made after deep evaluation of its implication and on the basis of right or wrong. This report makes a conclusion that it is clear that ethical matters are of great concern as far as influence of corporation on environment is concerned. In any business environment, establishment of good working relationship between employees and management is vital toward motivating workers. The managers should ethically be responsible in ensuring that rights of employee’s are not infringed in whatever decision they make. This is the only way to ensure prosperous working environment with mutual respect.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Persuade Your Employer That You Deserve a Raise Essay

Persuade Your Employer That You Deserve a Raise - Essay Example I was indeed workaholic. Working for late hours even after the fixed office hours was a trend which was rarely seen in American companies. Admittedly, it was the sincerity and passion I had toward my work that kept me boosted always. The task of recruiting hardware engineers for the iPhone and iPad projects were the most challenging and voluminous task in the whole span of my professional life. In many of the days, I was the only one who remained after the office hours and managed the extensive documentation works of the human resource department. I travelled through technology institutes to find young, vibrant and innovative engineers, of design, hardware and software for the successful accomplishment of the projects. It is clear that my diplomacy was beneficial for the company to persuade engineers and designers from other IT giants like Google, Microsoft, and Yahoo etc to work with Apple. And my expertise in computer programming was a surplus advantage for the company, for I got t he duty of supervising the iOS for iPhone and iPad. It must be noted that it was when many officers in the C level disagreed to supervise the immense task of supervising the development of iOS that I had to take up the responsibility. All this makes me upright to stately say that I played a substantial part in the successful completion of the iPhone project in 2007 as the HR manager as well as a software developer. I believe I have been loyal to my superiors in the company right from the day I joined Apple; and I have always been friendly with my colleagues too. I was always appreciated by my superiors in the HR department and my contributions and suggestions to the research and development wing was always well-considered. Our CEO Mr. Steve Jobs was always ready to listen to our opinions and suggestions. It is a unique feature in Apple that even though I am an employee in the HR department, my expertise in computer programming was also considered and exposure was given to me in the software development section. Such an easy and liberal working environment makes Apple a professional’s dream. The only thing that disappointed me in Apple is that there has been no change in my position and no additions to my salary apart from the usual annual increments. I have completed 10 years in Apple by now, and I am one of the well-qualified employees in the human resources wing. I graduated in business administration specializing in HR as well as computer science from the prestigious Harvard University. I was a topper in the university and that’s the reason for which Apple recruited me directly from the campus. It was my efforts that provided Apple a handsome amount of savings by taking up market analysis within the company instead of outsourcing it to external analyzers. This step was found exorbitantly helpful in maintaining a good position in the stock markets constantly throughout the financial years. Though I have such long stories of success to speak abo ut from the course of my work at Apple, I feel I never received a raise that I deserved while comparing with my track record at Apple. And I had to see many who were less academically qualified than I moving to higher positions in the firm. Apple had been always known as an employer who carefully listens to the concerns of its employees. Today Apple is the leading brand

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 356

Assignment Example In such circumstances, NSAIDs and Acetaminophens are the most common drugs used in pain relieving incidences. Despite their similar use in pain relieving, NSAIDs and Acetaminophens differ significantly. Some of the differences between the two grug classes include the aspect that NSAIDs have worse side effects, which requires for reduced exposure in terms of time while Acetaminophens have fewer side effects and as such can regularly be used for pain relieving activities (Arcy and Marmo 42). Considering the differences in mode of action of different drugs, different drugs are used in response to occurrences of various symptoms. Acetaminophen as a pain reliever is best utilized in the treatment of symptoms involving heartaches, headaches, and backaches. Naproxen on its part is best used in the treatment of symptoms such as painful periods, arthritis, gout, and joint inflammatory disease that occurs both in children and adults. Aspirin, which happens to be the most common NSAIDs, is best used in the treatment of inflammation of the heart with rheumatic fever rheumatic fever, and Kawasaki disease. Ibuprofen on its part works in an almost similar manner to aspirin in symptoms treatments, which involve painful periods, joint inflammatory disease in children and young adults, and rheumatoid

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Lab Report - Precision and Accuracy Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

- Precision and Accuracy - Lab Report Example The determiner of accuracy is the percentage error, which is valued at 0.06%. Some of these include the lack of experience and poor technique, which actually both go together for when there is lack of experience, the immediate result would be poor technique. Poor technique may be attributed to the parallax error, or the failure to put the eye at a level which is aligned properly to the volume mark of the pipette. This means that if one is looking up the pipette, one can see a meniscus placed too high when it appears to align with the volume mark. In the same way, if one is looking down at the pipette, the meniscus will then be too low when it appears to align with the volume mark. In fact, aside from errors in the placement of the eye with reference to the volume mark, lack of experience and poor technique also translate as the failure of properly aligning the meniscus with the volume mark. ... his means that it would be very hard to control the force by which the solution should be ejected out of the pipette, thus the delivered solution may be slightly more than what is expected. Although there is a standard amount of force when it comes to delivering the solution out of the pipette, the deviation from the standard is brought about by individual differences as no two or three people can exactly deliver the solution out of the pipette using the same amount of force. Besides, this force is too little and is very hard to quantify and estimate physically. Another possible source of error or deviation from the absolute value of the solution is the possibility that the pipette is dirty or the solution is contaminated, thus there is a possibility that tiny droplets of the solution are left on the walls of the pipette resulting in the delivery of too little solution (â€Å"Sources of Error in Pipetting†). Moreover, dirt in the pipette, no matter how little, may cause a slig ht obstruction in the flow of the outgoing solution thus there is also a possibility that the pipette amount of solution is less than what is expected. Another possible source of error or deviation from the absolute or expected value is the possibility of a broken or chipped pipette, no matter how small the break is (â€Å"Sources of Error in Pipetting†). Such a break may cause a disruption in the natural flow of the liquid out of the pipette, thus the outgoing solution is also less than the expected amount. Part B: Conclusion The volume delivered by the pipette was calculated to be 9.99+/- 0.02 mL. The slight change of +/- 0.02 mL is due to a number of factors such as differences in time elapsed during transfer of liquid, possible change in temperature, possible change in evaporation rate, lack of

Can be chose Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Can be chose - Essay Example Being a wife entails many things, and this has largely been constructed by different civilisations over the years. Recent decades, however, have seen these traditional being challenged in great detail for the first time in quite a long time as women attempt to gain more solid footing in society. One way to accomplish is to slowly recreated the homemaker role into one that is more balanced between the sexes, more accommodating to the desires of the women, and one that is more is open and accepting of sexual minorities. It has recently been said that â€Å"many women want to have weeding: few of them want to be wives† (Spender, 1994). This statement is quite profound in terms of the reality that shifting demographics, in addition to renewed feminist attitudes, are reshaping the tradition concept of marriage and family. While Splender’s comment may, on the surface, appear to be absurd, there is certainly an element of truth to you. This can be stated because one has to con sider the western construct of the concept ‘wife’. Historically, a wife has been commonly viewed as a homemaker and child-bearer. If that continues to be the reality, then women today have moved beyond that and are not desiring of the tradition definition utilised by society for generations. The very concept of ‘wife’, therefore, is shifting. Until that mindset is complete, however, women will likely hesitate to be viewed as a wife, but will still look forward to and long for their dream wedding. This paper explores the playing out of gender in terms of socialisation and coupling, with a particular focus on the role that weddings will likely play in Western society moving forward. 2. Theoretical Context Feminism is really about questioning the societal roles that attempt to define and confine the place that women have in our culture. In essence, as Judith Butler continually points out, it is about stepping out from the commonly conceived notions of gender a nd reconstructing an entirely new identity. Her groundbreaking 1990 book and theoretical expose on gender issues, â€Å"Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity† reinvigorates the discussion of women and their role in society by demonstrating the even those on the sexual margins should be gradually more accepted into the society’s fold. Butler herself, through this book, begins to question the very definition of woman. She effectively does this by looking at the masculine and feminine constructs existent in society today, and how those have changed over the years. While Butler moves far out into theory relating to sexual minorities in this book, her focus is primarily on the feminist thought process. This theoretical construct relates well to the theory in question for this essay. She talks at length, for example, about a women’s desire to dress, sometimes provocatively, in order to show off the feminine form. At the same time, however, the modern feminist wants to challenge the masculine nature of our society, making it in almost universal subject open for debate. This relates well to the institution of marriage. With the traditional mindset that there are definite masculine and feminine roles to be carried out by husbands and wives respectively, Butler would contend that today’s woman has the right to challenge these concepts.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

CLOUD COMPUTING Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

CLOUD COMPUTING - Essay Example ). Moreover, cloud computing consists of applications that are represented as a service on the web and the provision of hardware / software services provided by companies operating data centers. Likewise, the services provided over the Internet are referred as (Software as a Service) ‘SaaS’. There are few sellers who use the term (Infrastructure as a service) ‘IaaS’ and (Platform as a service) ‘PaaS’ in order to demonstrate their products and services. However, these terms are avoided and not accepted globally, due to variation (ARMBRUST, FOX et al. 2010). The Commerce Department’s National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) have illustrated some helpful definitions that focus on three concepts (Ryan, Loeffler 2010): Cloud infrastructure as a service ‘IaaS’ consists of provisioning elementary computing resources. Cloud software as a service ‘SaaS’ access software application that operates on a cloud inf rastructure. Cloud platform as a service (PaaS) provides the accessibility to users for implementing and developing applications with programming language and tools supported by the providers. The core components of a cloud are consists of the data center hardware and software. When these resources are made available to the public, they are referred as public clouds and the service provided by the cloud is called as utility computing. Moreover, private clouds are only available to private organizations and are not accessible by public. Accordingly, cloud computing is the combination of ‘SaaS’ and utility computing (ARMBRUST, FOX et al. 2010). Current Trends Information Technology organization has already invested millions since the 1990’s, to contribute in reshaping cloud computing. For instance, a popular slogan from Sun that was â€Å"Network is a computer† was recognized in 1980’s. Furthermore,, a ‘SaaS’ enabled websit e is providing services since 1999. Today, cloud computing represents a more innovative and productive approach, in order to provide online services along with online operating systems. Microsoft Azure provides an online operating system along with the set of development tools and services. Moreover, Google Docs provides online word processors along with spreadsheets and presentation applications similar to Microsoft Office. Furthermore, Google Apps gives the freedom to the developers to execute their codes and applications on Google infrastructure. Sun Microsystems provides computing power by charging $1 per hour for one CPU. In addition, Amazon provides web services named as EC2 and S3. Moreover, Yahoo has also announced recently that it will utilize ‘Apache Hadoop framework’ that will enable users to work on thousand of nodes and one million bytes of data. Accordingly, the contribution of cloud computing is covering every aspect of computation required for small, med ium and large businesses (Han 2010). Benefits Cloud computing provide many cost effective short term and long-term benefits. The organizations can avail services from multiple cloud-computing providers, to improve computerized business processes and high availability of services within the organization. Cloud computing also provides standardization of APIs, by operating on compatible applications to enable hybrid cloud computing. Moreov

Monday, July 22, 2019

Darren Shan Biography Essay Example for Free

Darren Shan Biography Essay Although Shan always wanted to be a writer, it was only in his teenage years that he began writing in his spare time for fun (before that, he only wrote stories if they were for homework). He bought his first typewriter when he was 14, and never looked back, knocking out loads of short stories and comic scripts, and making false starts on several books, which he never completed. Shan was 17 when he finished his first novel. Although it was never published, he relished the writing experience, and found himself focusing more on novels in the coming years, leaving behind the short-story format. For the next several years, sandwiched between university and work, he wrote an average of one book a year, experimenting with different ideas, genres, lengths and styles. When he started writing full-time, his output shot up to 5 to 6 books per year! But that has dropped back to 2 to 3 recently, due to all the travelling around he’s been doing to promote sales of his books. All of these early books were adult-oriented. Although Shan quite liked the idea of writing a children’s book one day, he considered himself an adult writer first and foremost. In fact, Shan’s initial breakthrough was with an adult book, in 1999. In January 2000, his first children’s book, Cirque du Freak, which he’d written as a fun side-project, was published. The first book in a series titled The Saga of Darren Shan (or Cirque du Freak, as it’s known in America), it attracted rave reviews and an ever-growing army of fans hungry to learn more about vampires which were quite unlike any that anyone had ever seen before! Shan loved writing for children so much, that for the next several years he focused almost exclusively on his books for younger readers. First, he wrote a total of 12 books about vampires. He quickly followed up his vampiric saga with The Demonata, a series about demons. Running to ten books in total, The Demonata cemented Shan’s place in the UK as the Master Of Children’s Horror, and saw him score his first UK #1 bestseller. He also wrote a one-off short book, called Koyasan, for Wold Book Day in the UK. There was a very successful manga adaptation of Shan’s vampire series, drawn by the Japanese artist, Takahiro Arai. It was originally serialized in Japan, but collected volumes are now on sale in the USA, UK and other countries. The books have topped adult bestseller charts in Hungary, Japan and Taiwan. In total, Shan’s books have sold close to 15 million copies worldwide! The movie rights to Cirque Du Freak were bought by Universal, and the first movie (which combines elements from the first three books in the series) was released on October 23rd, 2009, starring newcomer Chris Massoglia as Darren Shan, along with a wide array of established stars such as Josh Hutcherson, John C Reilly, Salma Hayek, Willem Defoe and Ken Watanabe. The movie was called Cirque Du Freak: The Vampire’s Assistant.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Education and Employment Issues in Malaysia

Education and Employment Issues in Malaysia Introduction Education is rapidly in Malaysia since independence. Education in Malaysia consist five stages of education which are pre-school, primary education, secondary education, tertiary education and post-graduate education. Education can be seen as the process which is transmits its knowledge, values and skills from one generation to the next generation. In this education is not used only to instill the values and norms of a given society. Different forms of education have different stucture of learning that define the learning process. Education is as a tool to reduce poverty, restructure the economy and to raise the standard of living for the people in this country. The government must take a serious stand of the on the development of higher and smooth education to work transition. Education is one of the most important investment that country can make it to reducing poverty and inequality. With education, it give a people critical skills and tools to help them better to provide for themselves and their children. Besides, it can helps people to work better and create opportunities for sustainable economic growth now and into the future. Girls and boys who learn to read, write and count will provide a better future for families and country. In short, education has the power that can make the world a better place. The raising of quality education in the country is critical for Malaysia to achieve a high performing education system which provides the human capital needed for a high income economy. It is important to ensure the stability of the individual in social function whereas good education gives way to the status of a job and a good salary, contribute positively to the sosioeconomy impact and generate psychological development. Many of issue that faced by Malaysia’s education system in managing the transition of those who complete their studies as they enter the world of work such as the problem of job mismatches, gender imbalance in education and so on. So this topic can analyze what issues that faced by Malaysia’s education system. Problems faced by employers in hiring fresh graduates From the graph above the command problems is poor command of English (55.8%) and these skills are lacking among new graduatres. Fresh graduates must have skills when they are applying a job which are devide to two categories comprising hard skills and soft skills. Hard skills is a mastery and practice of a body knowledge whereas soft skills are the development of largerly inter and itra-personnel skills. Issues in education The problem of job mismatches Mismatches of qualifications with employers’ needs means that what is expected by the employers in the job market does not match (Kalaimagal and Norizan, 2012). Lack of experience are the major cause of unemployment among fresh graduates. The market is oversupplied with young and inexperience graduates as the number of graduates increasing over the year. The graduate oversupply has resulted that imbalance of the number graduates in the relation of the job opportunities available in the market. According to the article on â€Å"Close to half of Malaysian graduates either jobless or employed in mismatches fields†, which is attributes up the 40% public university graduates in Malaysia are either jobless or are stuck in mismatches occupation on July 27, 2013. In this article, one of the ways of overcoming such problems is to encourage more (graduates) to be more entrepreneurial and to do that, must ensure they have more experience that will enable them to be more sustainable. Among the reason side for the unemployment was the lack of language proficiency particularly in English as well as not having sufficient knowledge and competency in the jobs that they applied for. The skills mismatches between employers and worker is one is one of many reasons leading to high graduate unemployment. Malaysia has produced many skilled workers in IT, science, and professional graduates that were aim to increase RD and raise productivity in our key leading sectors. The absence of quality leading institutions to absorb the lead such initiatives has resulted in high unemployment. Gender Imbalance In Education Gender inequality in education and employment poses a major challenge to development. The female advantage in terms of tertiary enrolment does not necessary directly into advantageous participation in the labour market. Although women are likely more than man to have a university education, female graduate are more likely than male graduates to be lower paying jobs or to be unemployed. Female enrolment has outnumber of males and this phenomenon has been attributed to the new gender gap. Closing the gender gap education has now become a development priority. This identified that education is the primary vehicle for woman that not only to build basic capabilities but also to play a meaningful role in bring equitable social and economic development. The government regards education is an important tool to empower the women of Malaysia and constantly strengthened its education system in addition to providing more educational opportunities for woman. Now, in our system woman in Malaysia are attending universities and are enrolled in various courses such as arts and humanities, science and technology as well as vocational and technical field. Males need to perform well at the school level in order to compete for places in university. Fewer high paying jobs would be available to men leading to changes in future workforce composition. Table 8.3 below in 2013 show the percentage and ratio of students at public higher education institutes by gender. Percentage of female students is the higher which is 61.02% than the male students which is 38.98%. This data showed the imbalances of gender between female and male students. This is because female students more to hardworking and to study in the higher instituition than male students. Lack of Science and Technical Graduates Malaysia is going to the rapid shift of production based economy to knowledge-based economy, so companies are progressively needed more of science and technical graduates. On the other hands, new graduates who are not meeting needs of industry due to the lack of crucial skills and innovations. So, it will be difficult when many companies are not willing to invest time and money to train new graduates due to budget and time constraints because companies have to conduct training workshops and courses which can be typically take up to two years. Some employers poor in English command of the English language among fresh graduates. In general, local graduates are highly qualified but not proficient in English language. Lack of skills issue Soft skills are nontechnical skills such as communication, management and leadership which are required to successful practice. This is because majority of students are not confident with their soft. Soft skills are very important in securing a job in the job market. They are unable to communicate effectively because they lack confident and have a poor command in English language. In addition, local companies are demanding English proficiency too (The Star, 10 April 2011). Even local company, they are looking for graduates who are creative, inventive and bold to success in the market job. It had stated that most employees require workers to possess qualities such as good attitude, strong work ethics, and the ability to communicate well, a willingness to learn and to contribute new ideas. It has been acknowledge by the general consensus of Malaysian employers that Malaysian graduates lack the soft skills although are well trained in their areas of specialization (Nurita, Shaharudin, Ainon, 2004). Soft skills is the most important skill, this is because they have to communicate clearly and persuasively during the job interviews. Malaysian education system focus to exam oriented. So, for those who complete their studies have a lack of these skill is common everywhere. Here, new graduate are a little more aware about it now and there has been a slight improvement but the challenge are the same. There is a fear of failure or being put in the spotlight. The Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE) has identified seven soft skills that should be possessed by all graduates as indicated in the Module for the Development of Soft Skills for Higher Learning Institution Malaysia, 2006 which include the skills for tertiary institutions need to inculcate among the local graduates: critical thinking and problem solving skills, communication skills, lifelong learning and information literacy, team working skills, professional ethics and morality, entrepreneurship skills and leadership skills. Soft skills are identified as generic skills and require training in contrast to hard skills which are associated with procedures or tasks that are observable, quantity and measurable. In facing the challenge of the job market, soft skills are required by university graduates. So, learning in tertiary classroom has moved away from teacher-centered to student-centered learning. Thus, it can be a necessary for those are searching a job nowadays especially for new graduates. Our system is through exam oriented, so many of the student are lack in their soft skills. In other to work transition is the supply of work to new fresh graduates are little bit. Many of company now need a graduates who have a soft skills that will be an innovative persons. So, our Malaysian education system must improve their system which is exam oriented. Another academic in a private institution of higher learning commented on lack of leadership in his institution. Poor leadership and lack of commitment and motivation from top management is one of the main reasons which creates a barrier to the growth and effectiveness of many private institutions and management school. A number of institutions employ retired academicians to occupy prime and decision-making positions and many of these retired academics lack vision, motivation and commitment with no interest in promoting the institutions and management education. Quality Issue Companies overwhelmingly agree that the content and quality of local university education do not adequately prepare students for the workforce while a weak basic education is also to be blame for producing graduates with adequate soft skills. The Malaysia education system must to differentiate between the various type of unemployment graduates, the reason why they are unable to find a work, and the interventions that must be taken to help them find employment. One possible explanation for the relatively high rate of graduate unemployment could be employers unwillingness to offer the level of compensation needed to meet the expectations of recent graduates and attract the required talent. So, Malaysia need to address the mismatch in skill formation and build a functioning feedback mechanism between educational institutions and the industry. A university of Malaya seven year longitudinal study of the school work transition (Nagaraj et al., 2009: 219) found that university graduates to have low regard for creativity and for risk taking. This bring us that fresh graduates increasingly view of the ability to think critically and creatively, and work independently. But graduates from Malaysian Universities seem to be lacking in these areas. In addition, government should look at improving incentives and recruitment for them for promoting professional development and career management (text book) Through the analysis of the current performance of national education based on the blueprint, government public examination lack of the ability to assess and reflect objectively the academic proficiency of students. This according to not only did our students performed poorly in higher level thinking, they also had difficulties with basic knowledge. This shows it is a very serious problem in managing the transition of our students. Besides, the public perception of the quality of education from industry perspective is based on the graph below. Industry perspective is refer to employers opinions about university graduates and these can be into five weaknesses listed as follows (Jobstreet survey, 2011): (1) unrealistic salary demands, (2) bad character, attitude and personality, (3) poor command of English language, (4) lack of good communication skills, (5) too choosy about the job. Thus, issues are faced by Malaysias education system are students problem to more to their attitude. The problems not only in the students knowledge and learning skills but also in their ways to interacting with people and handle their personal matters. Conclusion As the conclusion, Malaysian education system must have an incentive to managing work transition for those who complete their studies as they enter the world of work because many of fresh graduates had been seen was unemployment phenomenon. We notice there is over-emphasis on the number of students enrolment. This has reflected that our education is pay more attention to quantity instead of quality. The issues such as the problem of job mismatches, gender imbalance in education, lack of science and technical graduates, lack of skills issue, quality issue can be a problem for education system in managing for those who complete their studies as they enter the world of work. This bring us that fresh graduates increasingly view of the ability to think critically and creatively, and work independently. Then, issues are faced by Malaysias education system are students problem to more to their attitude. The problems not only in the students knowledge and learning skills but also in their ways to interacting with people and handle their personal matters. This problem can be overcome among the students if they have alternatives to change their attitude. Thus, the work transition will be going smoothly. References Azina Ismail. (2011), Graduates’ Characteristics And Unemployment: A Study Among Malaysian Graduates at uQTtsoDwAQusg=AFQjCNG_ZNPiJMafyPAb3f2z9pKlwkR7ewsig2=oY8T8Hod1JLQLQzlES7X0wbvm=bv.78677474,d.c2E Yu Ji. (July 27, 2013). Close to half of Malaysian graduates either jobless or employed in mismatches fields. The Star. Zainah Anwar. (July 13, 2007). Why boys are lagging behind girls. New Straits Times. Kalaimagal and Norizan. (20121), Employment issues among Malaysian information and communication technology (ICT) graduates: A case study at,d.c2E The star (2011). Employment, Pg. F20, 10 April 2011. Nurita, Shaharudin and Ainon (2004). Percieved employability skills of graduating students: Implications for SMEs. Ministry of Higher Education, Malaysia, Module for the Development of Soft Skills for Higher Learning Institution Malaysia, 2006. Azmi Anshar. (2011), Don’t fret, let gender ratio evolve naturally at Blueprint:,d.c2E reforming national education,d.c2E Nagaraj, S.; Chew, S.B.; Lee, K.H.; and Rahimah, A.H (eds.) (2009), Education and Work: The world of Work, Kuala Lumpur: Faculty of economics and administration, University of Malaya. Malaysia educational statistics 2014,d.c2E

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Labour Force And Unemployment Economics Essay

The Labour Force And Unemployment Economics Essay Every market has buyers and sellers, and the labour market is no exception: the buyers are employers, and the sellers are workers. Some of this participant may not be active at any given moment in the sense of seeking new employees or new jobs, but on any given day, thousands of firms and workers will be in the market trying to transact. The Labour Force and Unemployment The term labour force refers to all those over 16 years of age who are either employed, actively seeking work, or expecting recall from a layoff. Those in the labour force who are not employed for pay are the unemployed.  [1]   People who are not employed and are neither looking for work nor waiting to be recalled from layoff by their employers are not counted as part of the labour force. The total labour force thus consists of the employed and the unemployed. The number and identities of people in each labour market category are always changing; the flows of people from one category to another are considerable. There are four major flows between labour market states: employed workers become unemployed by quitting voluntarily or being laid off (being involuntarily separated from the firm, either temporarily or permanently), unemployed workers obtain employment by being newly hired or being recalled to a job from which they were temporarily laid off, those in the labour force, whether employed or unemployed, can leave the labour force by retiring or otherwise deciding against taking or seeking work for pay (dropping out), those who have never worked or looked for a job expand the labour force by entering it, while those who have dropped out do so by re-entering the labour force. The ratio of those unemployed to those in the labour force is the unemployment rate. While this rate is crude and has several imperfections, it is the most widely cited measure of labour market conditions. The relation among unemployment, employment, and labour force Analytically, to access the unemployment rate we can use the following equality: where , , and designate respectively the working-age population, the level of employment, the number of unemployed, and the participation rate at period t. Defining the unemployment as , we have Using this equation in logarithm terms at time t and t-1, we get: Assuming that u is a small number, this relation allows us to express the variation of unemployment rate as a function of the growth rates of working-age population, employment, and participation: This decomposition shows that the variation in the rate of unemployment come from variations in the employment rate, the size of the working-age population, and participation rate. Chapter 2 Some facts The different unemployment experience During the last 20 years, the industrialized countries have evolved in very different direction with respect to unemployment. In contradiction to Japan, or the United States, most of European countries showed a high proportion of unemployment. Table 1.1 Rates of unemployment, participation, and employment in 20 OECD countries in 2011 Country Unemployment Rate Participation Rate Employment Rate Australia 5,10 78,8 72,70 Austria 4,14 75,79 72,13 Belgium 7,14 68,88 61,93 Canada 7,45 80,25 71,98 Denmark 7,57 83,19 73,15 Finland 7,77 75,43 69,03 France 9,26 69,34 63,80 Germany 5,92 81,04 72,53 Greece 17,66 68,57 55,55 Ireland 14,39 70,96 59,20 Italy 8,40 63,01 56,98 Japan 4,57 80,61 71,20 Luxembourg 4,90 70,57 64,63 Netherlands 4,44 80,13 74,88 Norway 3,21 80,22 75,30 Portugal 12,74 77,42 64,20 Spain 21,64 75,28 57,68 Sweden 7,54 31,00 74,10 Switzerland 4,04 86,60 79,35 United Kingdom 8,01 76,75 69,48 United States 8,95 64,21 66,65 Euro area (17 countries) 10,07 26,20 64,25 EU (27 countries) 9,59 64,30 OECD Total 7,92 27,80 64,85 Source: OECD Data Table 1.1 summarises the unemployment, participation and employment rates in 20 OECD countries for 2011. We see that unemployment is a phenomenon that touches all the countries, but in different proportions. There are some countries such as Austria, Japan, Luxemburg, the Netherlands, Norway, and Switzerland, have an unemployment rate below 5 per cent. But other countries, such as Greece, Ireland, Portugal, and Spain, have an unemployment rate higher than 10 per cent. For the European Union as a whole (27 countries), the average unemployment rate is the neighbourhood of 10 per cent, 2 points greater than the overall OECD unemployment rate. The third column reports the employment rate, i.e. the ratio of the number of persons employed to the number of person in the population (working-age from 15 to 64 years old). This indicator is very important for the analysis since it can be used as a complement to the data of unemployment, given that the definition of unemployment is necessarily objective. As we can see from table 1.1 countries with high employment rate are also the ones who have low rates of unemployment. So there is a negative relationship among them. The second column also shows that participation rates are highly dispersed, since they vary from 63.01 per cent in Italy to 86.60 per cent in Switzerland. Moreover, countries that face high unemployment rate generally have relatively a weak participation rate. This rapid overview of the rates of unemployment, participation, and employment in different OECD countries suggest that certain countries face a relatively high unemployment rate because of insufficient job creation. Examination of changes over time since the beginning of 1950s in unemployment and employment rate in the United States and selected OECD countries will throw further lights on the origins of unemployment. The US unemployment experience in comparative perspective Table 1.2 summarises the unemployment experience of the United States, selected other countries, and the OECD as a whole from 1950 to 2011. The OECD unemployment rate averaged about 3 per cent during the 1950s and 1960s unemployment throughout the OECD increased sharply in the aftermath of the oil shocks of the 1970s and continued rising the worldwide recession of the early 1980s. The overall OECD unemployment rate more than doubled from 2.8 per cent in the 1960s to 7.0 per cent in the 1980s, and has remained at an even higher rate in the 1990s. Last year the overall OECD unemployment rate was 8.2 per cent. Table 1.2 Unemployment rates in selected OECD countries Country 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2011 Australia 1,50 2,00 3,90 7,50 9,10 6,28 5,20 Canada 3,80 4,70 6,60 9,30 9,90 6,82 7,50 France 1,50 1,70 3,80 9,00 11,10 9,4 9,30 Germany 4,90 0,60 1,90 5,70 6,50 7,76 6,00 Italy 7,20 3,80 4,70 7,50 10,20 10,59 8,50 Japan 2,10 1,30 1,70 2,50 2.7 4,72 4,80 Netherlands 1,50 0,90 4,00 9,60 6,90 2,95 4,40 Norway 1,70 1,70 1,60 2,80 5,30 3,33 3,30 New Zeland 0,90 0,90 1,50 4,10 8,10 9,00 6,70 Portugal 2,20 2,40 1,60 7,30 5,80 4,04 13,40 Spain 2,10 2,30 4,20 17,50 20,30 13,92 21,80 Sweden 1,70 1,50 1,80 2,20 7,00 5,4 7,60 United Kingdom 1,70 2,00 4,40 10,10 8,70 5,58 8,00 United States 4,40 4,70 6,10 7,20 6,00 4,00 9,10 OECD 3,50 2,80 4,30 7,00 7,30 6,1   8,2 Source: OECD Data Table 1.2 indicates that major OECD nations shared a pattern of rising unemployment from the 1960s to the 1970s to the 1980s, but the magnitude of the increases vary widely across countries, with the largest increase in Spain. In the 1990s the unemployment experience diverge somewhat, with continued increases from the 1980s in most European countries and Australia, but decline in the United States, United Kingdom, and Portugal. In the 2000s there is a general decrease of unemployment rate among all the countries, except in Italy and Japan. From 2000 to 2011 unemployment is a phenomenon that touches all the countries but in different proportion, with the largest increase in Spain and Portugal. The table highlights the distinctive aspects of the evolution of US unemployment. The United States has moved from having a consistently higher unemployment rate than the OECD as a whole in the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s to having a much lower rate in the 1990s and 2000s, but again a higher unemployment in 2011. The United States is the only major OECD economy with a lower average unemployment rate in 2000s than in 1980s: 4.0 per cent in the 2000s versus 7.2 per cent in 1980s. But the current US unemployment rate of 9.1 per cent is the highest experienced since 1980. The composition of US unemployment also differs substantially from many other OECD nations. The United States has much larger month-to-month flows into and out of employment than most of OECD economies and a much lower incidence of long-term unemployment than any advanced OECD economy. Long-term unemployment (six months and less than one year) as a percentage of total unemployment in 2011 stood at 12.43 per cent in the United States as compared with 9.8 per cent in Canada, 13.48 per cent in Australia, 18.65 per cent in France, 14.71 in Germany, 15.03 in Italy, 17.68 in Greece and 18.66 in Spain. US unemployment rates for the working-age population are particularly low (and employment/population ratios are particularly high) for young workers (those aged to 15 to 24), women and older workers (those aged 55 to 64). Overall, the US labour market does a relatively good job of moving new entrants and women into employment. European labour market institutions (especially employment protect ion laws) seem geared to keeping married males in work, but appear to make it tougher for new entrants to gain steady employment. Cyclical versus Structural unemployment The analytical discussion of unemployment since Friedman (1968) and Phelps (1968) start with the hypothesis that at any given time, a national economy is characterized by a natural rate of unemployment. Aggregate demand expansions can (at least temporarily) push the economy below this rate of unemployment, but at the cost of accelerating inflation. Similarly, shocks that raise unemployment above the natural rate lead to deceleration inflation. As long as the policy-maker avoids explosive inflation or deflation, the economy cannot remain persistently above or below the natural rate of unemployment, but it may fluctuate around it. This hypothesis suggests separating changes in unemployment into cyclical fluctuation around the natural rate and structural movement in the natural rate itself. Figure 1 Unemployment in the US, Australia, Europe and OECD Figure 1 illustrates the time patterns of the unemployment rates for the United States, Australia, Europe, and OECD countries from 1970 to 2011. The figure suggests cyclical unemployment fluctuation around a relatively stable natural rate in the United States until 2008, and a possible upward drift in the natural rate in Europe and Australia. The acceleration in inflation in most European economies in late 1980s, despite much higher unemployment rate than in the 1960s and 1970s, indicates a large rise in natural rate of unemployment. The deceleration of inflation in the 1990s and early 2000s suggests that some cyclical component has played a role in recent high European unemployment. 2 Data and Descriptive statistics I next explore in a more depth, the extent to which a relatively stable natural rate of unemployment since 1970 or so is consistent with the experience of the flexible US labour market. The data for this analysis are taken from Bureau of Labour Statistics from 1970 to 2012 (monthly data). 3 Empirical Methodology and Results For estimating the natural rate of unemployment (un) I am going to use the expectations-augmented (or accelerationist) Phillips Curve (EAPC) in which the rate of growth of price inflation (or more generally the difference between current inflation and expected inflation) depends on the deviation of the unemployment rate from the natural rate: where p is the log of the price level, u is the unemployment rate, is a positive coefficient, equals, and is an error term. Expected inflation is assumed to equal the lagged inflation rate (). A regression of the change in the inflation rate on the unemployment rate yields estimates of the natural rate of unemployment ( = -. The basic idea behind this equation is that price inflation increases when unemployment is below the natural rate and decreases when it is above. Table 2.1 Price inflation and unemployment in the United States, Europe and OECD countries United States Europe OECD (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Constant 0.397562 0.519119 0.142052 11.87027 12.00131 [6.163198] [8.568430] [1.910330] [7.503319] [5.137325] D80 -0.348037 [0.929960] D90 -0.355382 [0.950040] D00 -0.369512 [0.986341] Unemployment rate (u) -0.006995 -0.026207 0.032498 -0.596646 -0.906432 [0.669781] [2.835975] [2.918381] [3.129660] [2.544017] Observations (n) 511 511 511 41 41 Durbin-Watson Statistic 0.798394 0.828986 0.833514 0.233627 0.304103 R2 0.006191 0.015555 0.016457 0.200734 0.142330 Notes: The US regressions cover 1970 to 2012. The dependent variable in all regressions is the inflation rate (Dp).The numbers in parenthesis are standard errors. p=100*log(CPI), using the Consumer Price Index for the United States and Europe; u is the unemployment rate measured in percentage, D80=1 for the 1980- and 0 otherwise; D90=1 for the 1990- and 0 otherwise; D00=1 for the 2000- and 0 otherwise. Estimation for US unemployment Dependent Variable: P Method: Least Squares Date: 10/04/12 Time: 17:04 Sample (adjusted): 1970M02 2012M08 Included observations: 511 after adjustments Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob.  Ã‚   C 0.397562 0.064506 6.163198 0.0000 UNEMP -0.006995 0.010444 -0.669781 0.5033 D80 -0.348037 0.374250 -0.929960 0.3528 D90 -0.355382 0.374071 -0.950040 0.3425 D00 -0.369512 0.374629 -0.986341 0.3244 R-squared 0.006191   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Mean dependent var 0.353720 Adjusted R-squared -0.001665   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  S.D. dependent var 0.373392 S.E. of regression 0.373702   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Akaike info criterion 0.879023 Sum squared resid 70.66469   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Schwarz criterion 0.920475 Log likelihood -219.5904   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  F-statistic 0.788056 Durbin-Watson stat 0.798394   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Prob(F-statistic) 0.533265 Estimation for US male unemployment Dependent Variable: P Method: Least Squares Date: 10/04/12 Time: 17:05 Sample (adjusted): 1970M02 2012M08 Included observations: 511 after adjustments Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob.  Ã‚   C 0.519119 0.060585 8.568430 0.0000 UNEMPMALE -0.026207 0.009241 -2.835975 0.0048 R-squared 0.015555   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Mean dependent var 0.353720 Adjusted R-squared 0.013621   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  S.D. dependent var 0.373392 S.E. of regression 0.370840   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Akaike info criterion 0.857814 Sum squared resid 69.99885   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Schwarz criterion 0.874395 Log likelihood -217.1715   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  F-statistic 8.042753 Durbin-Watson stat 0.828986   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Prob(F-statistic) 0.004751 Estimation for US female unemployment Dependent Variable: P Method: Least Squares Date: 10/04/12 Time: 17:07 Sample (adjusted): 1970M02 2012M08 Included observations: 511 after adjustments Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob.  Ã‚   C 0.142052 0.074360 1.910330 0.0567 UNEMPFEMALE 0.032498 0.011136 2.918381 0.0037 R-squared 0.016457   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Mean dependent var 0.353720 Adjusted R-squared 0.014525   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  S.D. dependent var 0.373392 S.E. of regression 0.370670   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Akaike info criterion 0.856897 Sum squared resid 69.93471   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Schwarz criterion 0.873478 Log likelihood -216.9373   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  F-statistic 8.516946 Durbin-Watson stat 0.833514   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Prob(F-statistic) 0.003674 Estimation for Europe unemployment Dependent Variable: P2 Method: Least Squares Date: 10/04/12 Time: 17:08 Sample (adjusted): 1970M02 1973M06 Included observations: 41 after adjustments Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob.  Ã‚   C 11.87027 1.582002 7.503319 0.0000 UNEMPEURO -0.596646 0.190642 -3.129660 0.0033 R-squared 0.200734   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Mean dependent var 7.164938 Adjusted R-squared 0.180240   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  S.D. dependent var 3.481375 S.E. of regression 3.152057   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Akaike info criterion 5.181538 Sum squared resid 387.4831   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Schwarz criterion 5.265127 Log likelihood -104.2215   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  F-statistic 9.794774 Durbin-Watson stat 0.233627   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Prob(F-statistic) 0.003308 Estimation for Europe unemployment Dependent Variable: P3 Method: Least Squares Date: 10/04/12 Time: 17:09 Sample (adjusted): 1970M02 1973M06 Included observations: 41 after adjustments Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob.  Ã‚   C 12.00131 2.336102 5.137325 0.0000 UNEMPOECD -0.906432 0.356299 -2.544017 0.0150 R-squared 0.142330   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Mean dependent var 6.186970 Adjusted R-squared 0.120338   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  S.D. dependent var 3.301618 S.E. of regression 3.096597   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Akaike info criterion 5.146035 Sum squared resid 373.9676   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Schwarz criterion 5.229624 Log likelihood -103.4937   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  F-statistic 6.472025 Durbin-Watson stat 0.304103   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Prob(F-statistic) 0.015033 Conclusion References Literature Ronald G. Ehrenberg, Robert S. Smith Modern Labour Economics. Theory and Public Policy Pearson International Edition, 2009, Tenth Edition Internet Sources Eurostat Website: I have a problem with the regression of this model: I have monthly data. But when I estimate it on Eviews, the results I get are not that expected: R-squared is very small (near to zero), the standard errors are all smaller than 1. In order to estimate the model first I have done this: P=100*log(CPI), but Im not sure if is right or not. I can send the data after if this description is not enough.

one flew over the cucoos nest Essay -- essays research papers

ONE FLEW OVER THE CUCKOO’S NEST Q3 One of the main themes throughout the novel One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest is ‘societal repression over the individual’. The book is written by Ken Kesey and based around patients’ lives within a mental institution. Kesey uses the novel to voice his opinion concerning the oppressive nature of control those who enforce the control. Such a repressive feeling is amplified by the setting of the institution, the patients and Kesey’s tone throughout the novel. The setting of One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest is a mental institution, in the countryside of Oregon during the 1960’s. At this time young Americans began to challenge conformity and live their lives around peace, love and drugs. LSD was a drug used both during the political uprising and in the novel as treatment for mental disorders. Kesey discusses how the world within the ward mirrors the world outside. ‘One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest’ contains examples of behaviour and attitudes displayed by characters within the clinical environment of the psychiatric ward, which can be compared to behaviour found within contemporary American society. Notions of leadership and hierarchy within a class, sexism, and crime and punishment play a vital role in the telling of the story. Chief Bromden, the book’s narrator, darkly and fearfully portrays the institution. Within the walls of the harsh, bleak institution are several authority figures known as the & quot;Combine" to the Chief. They control, direct, and manipulate every aspect of the lives of the patients. Nurse Ratched, who controls the Chief's ward, is the ultimate authority figure--a menacing, cold, callous, larger-than-life authoritarian who will stop at nothing to make sure the "Combine" maintains firmly in power. Kesey, through the Chief's narrative, creates a gloomy, hopeless world; a world where the facility's patients have nothing to look forward to except the inexorable clutches of insanity. The patients are exposed to painful treatments enforced by Nurse Ratched. The electroshock therapy table is shaped like a cross, with straps across the wrists and over the head. Ellis, Ruckly, and Taber who are classified as Acutes has their lives destroyed by electroshock therapy. It serves as a reminder to the rest of the ward what happens to those who rebel against the ruling powers. If the patients are not se... ...ically "castrated" him. He is accused of being homosexual and having nothing between his legs but "a patch of hair". He is constantly trying to hide his hands, which are white and beautiful. His final victory over the Nurse and women in general is when he walks out of the hospital against medical advice and has his wife pick him up, showing that he now controls his own life rather than being controlled by the women that surround him. Ken Kesey has written the novel in a very intelligent and contrasting way. The hospital is presented as a metaphor for the oppressive society of the late 1950s. The novel celebrates the expression of sexuality as the ultimate goal and denounces repression as based on fear and hate. Bromden’s slightly paranoid account may be the equivalent of Keseys. The tone of the patients compared with that of the Nurse is obvious. The Nurse is confident and well educated, taking full advantage of the ward patients. The patients are uneducated and easily manipulated. They are referred to as animals by Nurse Ratched immediately taking away their dignity and self-respect and treating them in an inhuman way. JARED THORNQUEST Word count = 1008

Friday, July 19, 2019

Lorraine Hansberrys A Raisin In The Sun :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Lorraine Hansberry is the author of the play A Raisin in the Sun. This play is very significant because it was the first play written by a black playwright to win the Best Play of the Year Award. Another interesting point about the play is the title. The title A Raisin in the Sun also refers to Langston Hughes poem Harlem. In many ways Langston Hughes’ poem relates to Lorraine Hansberry’s play. In the play a family of black Americans have a chance to move ahead in the cruel prejudiced world. Lorraine Hansberry shows the frustrations that occur when one’s dreams are deferred. The Younger family in the play experiences these times of misery when those dreams are broken.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The plot of the drama revolves around the disappointments that occur when one’s dreams are deferred. I think that it was selfish for all of the family members to have their own plan of using the insurance money. It was purely Lena’s choice to decide what was to be done with the money. I also agreed with Lena by not wanting Walter to use the money for a liquor store. When Walter went against Lena’s wish for the rest of the money to go to Beneatha’s college fund, and gave the money to Willy, it made me mad. Walter was being so selfish. In the end Walter redeemed himself by pulling some strings to let Beneatha go to school and be able to move into the new house.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Lena was very wise. I think that Lena was the only thing keeping the family together. They all revolved around her, maybe it was because she had the money and was therefore in charge. I liked the way she took control of the family and said what was on her mind. Like when her and Walter were fighting and Ruth had just found out that she was pregnant. I think if it were not for Lena, Walter and his sister Beneatha would have probably killed one another in their arguments. I also felt that when they would argue Ruth would always somehow get stuck in between. Usually because Walter would bring her in to it. Ruth had to be the responsible person in the family, other than Lena. Ruth did most of the work in the house and kept everything running smooth.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There were also many symbols in the play. I think that one of the biggest symbols in the play was Lena’s flower.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

How Much Is the Effect of Acid Rain Environment? Essay

Acid rain is mixed with certain chemicals, including Hydrocarbons. Nitrogen Oxides are created naturally from bacteria, volcanoes and lightening. From the burning of fossil fuels we get chemicals like Sulphur Dioxide, Sulphur Trioxide and Carbon Dioxide. When Carbon Dioxide is mixed with water we get Carbonic Acid. When Nitrogen Oxides are mixed correctly with water it can create Nitric Acid. When Sulphur Dioxide is mixed with water it creates Sulphurous Acid. And when Sulphur Trioxide is mixed with Sulphur Dioxide and water it can create the lethal Sulphuric Acid. Ozone Depletion also impacts on this as its releasing CFC’s which then add to the impact from acid rain. Â  Acid rain can corrode metal structures such as railway tracks and overhead power cables. It can also erode cement, marble and especially limestone buildings. It can take a longer time in some cases due to what the material is, but the evidence is shown a lot of most buildings. Acidic water affects the growth and health of fish and other aquatic life, by reducing the pH of the water and impacting the health and breeding success of the fish and aquatic invertebrates. Death of aquatic organisms due to damaged exoskeleton development as the calcium compounds become more soluble. So there is less calcium in the food chain (for fish bones and birds egg shells). PH5 mucus on fish gills, pH4 species decline. It also dissolves metals out of sediments and rocks to increase the metals (lead) in the water. These can be taken up by the plants and contaminate the associated seeds or fruit. Phytotoxicity is a toxic effect by a compound on plant growth. Such damage may be caused by a wide variety of compounds, including trace metals, pesticides, salinity, phytotoxins or allelopathy as acids damage enzyme function cells in stomata, root hairs. Seed germination is inhibited by acidic conditions. Lichens are especially sensitive to acids. Osmosis, in the water, will affect the aquatic life as well as respiration in the fish themselves, it can harm them. Acid rain impacts crop growth and soil structure. It can affect the growth of plants as many plants have a specific soil pH for optimum growth. In addition it can leach nutrients out of the topsoil, into the groundwater and into the water table. The leaching of nutrients from the soil makes them unavailable to plant life. Acid precipitation can change the ionic balance in clayey soils, affecting their structure. The pollutants that cause acid rain, sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides, are inhaled and cause an increase in heart and lung conditions (and premature death). Respiratory illness such as asthma and bronchitis are more common and can lead to pulmonary (heart) disease. Acid rain can also harm organisms by causing other changes that are harmful to living organisms. Soil can be deflocculated by acids where the particles that form peds separate causing the peds to collapse, filling the soil spaces and making the soil less permeable. Lime soils are less affected. Acids increase solubility of ions of metals such as Ca2+ and Al3+ ions which poison organisms. Heavy metals such as lead and mercury are more soluble under acidic conditions, this bio accumulates and bio magnify. (Affect animal’s nervous systems, liver and kidneys) Organisms have an increased susceptibility to pests and disease, waxy cuticles of leaves are removed. Nutrient recycling is reduced as soil bacteria are killed by acid and heavy metal bioaccumulation. Plant diversity is affected, less tolerant species removed first. The Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution, often abbreviated as Air Pollution or CLRTAP, is intended to protect the human environment against air pollution and to gradually reduce and prevent air pollution, including long-range transboundary air pollution. The whole point of this organisation is to gradually reduce and prevent air pollution. Parties develop policies and strategies to combat the discharge of air pollutants through exchanges of information, consultation, research and monitoring.

Reproductive Health Bill Philippines Essay

When I hear the RH Bill, What comes to my mind? I must say that I am in favor to this rightfulness in the Philippines . This law means having controller of the maturation population in the Philipines and this provide change magnitude poverty due to the lesser family members. The law states that the people has choices to pick in starting a family like contraceptives, condoms, pills, IUD. This Bill allow for help people much curiously the uneducated ones to cheat more(prenominal) fostering about family planning, legal community of abortion, sex education, prevention of HIV/AIDS and others. The bruskest family may be in possession of the biggest family, now is the time for them to give education about controlling by pass this bill.I presuppose this bill was aimed to the poor ones because they argon the ones who cannot support their family and most of them has no education, this means more problem. This helps us to act upon the lives of the filipino future to be more pro ductive. We be already in a modern world, many of the people know about sex. Even out of embrace lock withdraw sex, even friends have sex but the bill helps to control having birth and being safe. Most especially teens, they are the one mostly who are engaging in sex.By full-grown them proper explanation by their parents to be responsible and do what is right, do you think that their children will listen? Well, its up to them but parents should always be reminding their children to do what is wrong from right. Why do others are against it? Maybe because its also against the popish Catholic Church and the beliefs of other groups. only if people has their own right what they will do and what they want to believe and use.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Solutions: Self-esteem and Professional Sports Events

Solutions The mayor of a queen-sized city was given a free membership in an exclusive golf club by people who befuddle received several city contracts. He also accepted gifts from organizations that have non done business with the City but big businessman in the future. The gifts ranged from $200 tickets to professional sports flushts to designer watches and jewelry. The Mayor of the city actions are self-serving. , for he is receiving all the benefits.The great slap-up is not being served here because microscopic businesses may not be able to afford the Mayor for city contracts. Because of this, outside organizations are benefiting with city jobs, causing small businesses in the city to go out of business. It may also cause taxes to emergence and loss of city jobs. The Mayor is abusing his office by not shake offting his cititizens needs before his own. Locke would fit in with me, he would say that the Mayor has a pay to his people.He would also say that the people have the right to choose a different Mayor who would put there need before his own. A college teacher is pursuing her doctorate in night school. To upgrade extra time for her own studies, she gives her students the same(p) lectures, the same assignments, and the same examinations semester after semester without the slightest effort to improve them. The college teacher is just serving herself. She is not fillful her duties to her students, she finds it easier to stay echo the same material semester after semester.She is not article of belief her students with updated material, when they enter the work force they go out be ill prepared to compete with others. Locke would agree that the students have the right to expect their instructor to take as much time and effort in their lessons as she does in her own work. Todd and Edna have been married for trinity years. They have had serious personal problems. Edna is a corpulent drinker, and Todd cannot keep a job. Also, they have bi ckered and fought constantly since their marriage.Deciding that the counsel to overcome their problems is to have a electric shaver, they stop practicing have got control, and Edna becomes pregnant. To raise a child is difficult even when you are prepared. But to have a child to fix a marriage is wrong. You put a lot of pressure of the child, and when things go wrong, you get out get to blame and resent the child. Which in turn will cause the child to have a minor self esteem and then the child will be taught how to make poor decisions. That s if Edna is favorable to have a healthy baby. Her heavy tipsiness could have negative ramification such as fetal syndrome and other birth defects. Babies are truly expensive and Todd not be able to keep a job is just going to plus the bickering and arguing. So, there is no greater good in this scenario, It does no good for Edna and Todd to care for a child that may have defects because the Ednas drinking. It does no good for the child to have to deal with devil parents who make poor decisions.